Monday, December 21, 2009

Avatar and Christmas

After Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Watchmen, and Up, next comes Avatar. For the year 2009, I have only watched four new movies in the cinemas. Other than the aforementioned four movies, I had the chance to watch Bride Wars, Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Slumdog Millionaire, 2012, In My Life and And I Love You So in DVD's or in the airplane.

About Avatar: It was awesome! There was a clear story, although it didn't have a smooth start. It seemed as if the movie started in the middle. Other than that, I would say that the movie is worth it. It is a klong movie, more than 2 and a half hours, but heck it's worth watching. Graphics = perfect.

About Christmas: I am not feeling it yet. I know it's near. Foodfest is just everywhere. But the Christmas spirit isn't sinking into me. I don't know why. Maybe it's overpowered by the fact that when classes resume, I only have 8 weeks left of school before it's all over for me. I hope I will do well in those remaining weeks, and hence I am hoping to finish all my assignments soon.

To everyone, Merry Christmas!