November 6, 2010
Today was a rather special day for me. I basically started the day late, teaching an MTG session in Makati. The topic my grade 5 kids had was Logic. I must say, they had difficulty grasping the topic, as it is not really the Math most students are used to. It's more of a combination of puzzles, riddles and simple logic.
Then came the fun part. I was supposed to end at 4:20, but I went overtime due to the game we had in class. Nikka was already waiting for me outside, in a taxi, as I told her to pick me up before going to Power Plant Mall. And she did wait for me, for about 5 or so minutes.
It was raining when I went out of MES, and so when we got to the mall, it was still raining. We saw Isa a few minutes later, and we decided to buy tickets immediately. We were debating on whether we watch Social Network for 2.5 hours, so we end exactly at 9, or we watch a shorter film, which starts earlier, so we have time after the moview to do some chit-chat. We chose the second option and instead watched Due Date with Robert Downey Jr. in the lead.
We then ate at this Korean Restaurant, Kaya. It's not too cheap, nor is it too expensive. The food was great!
We then lined up to buy popcorn and tacos. The clock hit 6:10, and we thought we're late. As we entered the moview theater, the lights were still on. We chose seats at the far back of the cinema so we can get a full view. But low and behold, as I went on to the first step, the lights went out, signalling that the movie is starting after a few more trailers. We were walking up the theater, barely seeing where we are stepping.
At first, I thought the movie is boring. The first half was dragging, and I just don't get the laughs from it. It basically featured two people who met, do not know each other. One seemed to get all the luck in the world, having a positive outlook, The other one seemed to be getting all the wrong things, with a negative outlook. So I thought the story will just be that. I had a negative feeling about the movie then.
But then came a part when all three of us broke into laughter. And from then on, it just went uphill, and we ended up enjoying the movie.
Perhaps the highlight of the movie experience is not the moview itself, but it is how the people in the cinema laughing in unison, whenever there was a comedic part of the film. And best of all, the man beside Isa was really laughing so hard, to the point that instead of laughing at what was happening in the film, we were laughing more on how the person was laughing. Not in any negative way, but when you hear that kind of laugh, you won't be able to help yourself but to laugh as well.
Anyway, after the movie, we had dessert, and talked more.
The whole meet-up with them was fun for me, as it is my only time this sem break to actually meet-up with my old friends. I'm glad to have done that.
Nikka waited for about 5 minutes??!!!...I beg to disagree dude!
I really enjoyed our "Due Date" Night!...We have to have one more before Christmas!
@Isa: Well, I thought it was just 5 minutes. Haha :p Thanks for commenting?
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